Casino BOX24

European roulette gaming principle

First of all, to learn how to play roulette, it is necessary to understand which are the different types of possible bets, and how one can they be made. To simplify things, let's say that the goal of the game of roulette is trying to realize where the ball will stop, after it's launched by the croupier, in a cylinder which is also called wheel, which includes several slots. Each of these slots has a number and a color. The basic principle consists on betting on a number, but also on the possible combinations related to this number. When the ball stops turning, when the wheel stops, the results related to the output numbers appear and the croupiers collect then the losing bets and pay those who won. In short… the amount of the gain will depend on the place on which the bet was placed.

The player can bet on one number or on a precise column of numbers shown on the table, or on an even or odd number. For better understanding this, it is necessary to go into further details of the roulette and its components.

Before the wheel starts to turn, one of the croupiers says "Make your bets” and the players at the table place their bets. Each player has its own color of tokens - the color is a function of the value of each token - which are bought at casino's cashier. It is up to each player to set the value of its tokens during the exchange. Not all tokens have the same value; only those tokens with the same color have an identical value. The value of each color is displayed on a table. The number of players is unlimited; it all depending on the available gaming space, which can either be sitting or standing.

In a general way, if there are more players and considering the different combinations, it may take more time to play. On the other hand, announcing is an important thing. As soon as the croupier announced "Nothing else goes!” it is absolutely imperative to comply with the rule, i.e. to stop betting. Depending on each case, latecomers can still play, but the croupier may refuse any bet after the ball has been launched. It will be necessary to wait until the croupier announces "Make your bets” to be able to play again.

For information, the table chief and the croupiers must be able to quickly memorize all different requests from the players in an immediate way.

There are two types roulette bets. The players have the possibility of carrying out any combination of their choice. There are simple bets and multiple bets.

Simple bets or external bets

It is when the player puts a bet on either side of the board on the carpet.

Multiple bets or interior bets

It is when the player bets on the numbers which appear inside the table. It can bet on one or several specific numbers or on a combination of numbers, and this bet - or the bets' total - must be at least equal to the minimum bet placed on the table. If a player decides to place a multiple bet, it will put its tokens at the center of the carpet and a croupier will place them directly over the numbers and the amount which has been chosen. While they wait for the start, the players will place certain bets themselves, in particular on simple bets. For bets on full numbers or on the combinations attached to it, it is recommended to announce this bet to one of the three croupiers. They will place the bets while memorizing the announcement.

As it was previously mentioned, when everyone has placed its bets, one of the croupiers in front of the cylinder will make it spin and will launch the ball in the opposite direction, while announcing: "Nothing else goes”. In case of the online roulette game, since there is no croupier the player can be much more relaxed. There is no time limit to place its bets, nor any concern for any minimum bet placement. In addition, the player can play and make several tests, without being impacted on his money.

roulette casino game

European roulette cases

roulette and ball
Casino BOX24

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